Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Hypnotherapy For The Treatment Of Alcoholism

Hypnotherapy For The Treatment Of Alcoholism

The Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were then first civilisations to use healing techniques that have now evolved into what is now termed 'Hypnotherapy'.  These methods of healing are today used to treat a variety of illnesses, emotional problems including alcoholism.  Hypnotherapy has been proven a safe and effective form of treatment and has been adopted by many health care professionals as a complementary therapy for many ailments.  So is hypnotherapy effective in the treatment of alcoholism?

The therapeutic effects of hypnotherapy are the successful implanting of positive suggestions and helping tense and anxious people to relax by putting them into a relaxed state of mind.  The habit of excessive alcohol consumption is something that has been installed into the minds of chronic alcohol drinkers by various factors which may include social upbringing, peer influence, media advertising or problems dealing with stress.

There are those that believe hypnotherapy does not deal directly with the causes but instead helps reduce the symptoms of alcohol cravings which lead to excessive consumption of alcohol.  For example people may binge drinkto cope with the stress of lifes problems such as work or relationships.  Hypnotherapy is used as a tool to relax the mind of a client rather than brow-beating or commanding them to be stress free.

Many of the triggers of alcohol cravings which lead to binge drinking cannot be avoided during everyday situations so hypnotherapy has an important role to play in this area.  It can help clients to cope with the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal along with teaching them relaxation techniques and along with expert counselling can introduce empowering thoughts and ideas that profound affect on people suffering from alcoholism.

To conclude, hypnotherapy treatment along with counselling can help treat the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal and cravings and has an important role to play in helping clients set realistic goals and to achieve them.

For more information on Hypnotherapy Treatments visit www.hypnotist.uk.com

For information on training in Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis, and Hypnotic Techniques  for Street and Stage visit www.elestialtraining.co.uk  

Friday, November 30, 2012

Hypnotherapy for Athletic and Sports Improvement

Hypnotherapy for Athletic and Sports Improvement.

Mentally rehersing before a game or match is not a new idea, visualising playing a gameor undertaking event and already seeing it as won while in hypnosisis a techinique practiced by many top athletes and sports persons.  For example, some professional sports persons or teams employ the services of Hypnotists or use therapeutic recordings as part of their routine training for motivation and for revitalising their physical body.  These hypnotic techniques may also asist in easing their physical aches as well as installing psychological well-being and enthusiasm.

Fear is the greatest enemy of many athletes: fear of losing, fear of injury, being humiliated in public or even a fear of winning.  There are athletes and sports persons who play excellently while practising but will freeze up during an actual game or event while under the watchful or critical eye of spectators.  This pressure often inhibits a good performance. 

Athletes must be relaxed enough to perform well, this allows their natural coordination and timing to flow with the movement of their game.  In this flow their every movement feels right.  Hypnosis can bypass the critical and doubting parts of their mind to allow them to experience their fullest potential. 

Hypnotherapy for sports or athletic improvement can be utilized  for both competitive and non competitive sports and can help sports persons fine tune their concentration allowing them to use better their body's natural adrenalin for a greater and more focused performance.

(C) Ray Ronson 

For more information on Hypnotherapy for Sports and Athletic Improvement visit www.hypnotist.uk.com

For training in Hypnoanalysis, Hypnotherapy or Stage/Street Hypnotic Techniques visit www.elestialtraining.co.uk  

Hypnotherapy in South Wales UK visit www.hypnotist.uk.com

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Managing Stress

Managing Stress

Stress is often viewed by many people as negative, it is in reality a natural and normal physical response. A stress response is only our bodies capability to defend and protect itself. This “fight-or-flight” response can help us stay energetic, focused and alert. These actions can be valuable. A passing of an important examination, the success of a presentation of a speech, or a performance in front of a live audience can all be in part due to a healthy stress response. On the other hand, too much stress can result in severe damage to a person, physically, mentally and emotionally.

Chronic stress is created when our body is exposed to an uncontrollable amount of physical and emotional threats. Since our body cannot distinguish between extreme or moderate stress triggers, it reacts with the same intensity, despite how major or minor the cause. This means that a long delayed flight or being caught in severe traffic congestion can be the trigger for excessive stress related symptoms (that may feel as intense as a real life-or-death situation). Symptoms may include muscular tension, headaches, tiredness, anxiety, changes in eating habits, mood swings, lack of enthusiasm, and/or stomach upsets.

Everyone has a different tolerance level when it comes to stress. It is important for us to understand our own individual stress level tolerance. Circumstances that influence stress tolerance include: our ability to deal with emotions, our preparation for stress-inducing circumstances, our sense of control, attitude, support network, physical health and nutritional level, fitness level and  sleeping pattern. These factors are what enable us to conserve a sense of calmness while other people feel completely overwrought.

To cope with our stress levels we must study the factors that cause it, it is important for us to observe the ways in which we react to stress, and whether or not our responses need to be changed. Some of us react to stress by clamming up and becoming extremely internally agitated. Others become very outwardly agitated and may become volatile. Some become withdrawn and show hardly any or no emotion at all. Understanding our personal stress triggers and our reaction to these are an important step to facing and coping with negative factors in our lives.

Even though stress can affect you at any time, those persons with fast paced and pressurised working conditions are most prone to the signs and symptoms of stress.  Coping mechanisms for stress whether it be personal or work related may include: avoiding any unnecessary stress, altering your situation or environment, accepting and adapting to your environment, increasing your level of fitness and taking time out for your own leisure and relaxation.  Planning and taking control of your life and deciding whats truly important (and worth stressing over) are essential methods of coping with and combating stress.

Ray Ronson. (c) 2012

Ray is a renowned trainer in Hypnoanalysis/ Hypnotherapy and Hypnotic Techniques visit www.elestialtraining.co.uk

for information on coping methods for stress in the South Wales, UK area visit  www.hypnotist.uk.com

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Increasing Mind Power

Increasing Mind Power

Have you ever considered the many ways there are to increase your mind power?  There are many methods, the following are just a few.

The following are powerful excersises to be used to increase your mind power, these have been used and proven to increase the rate at which your brain produces new brain cells to keep your brain alert and functioning to its maximum. These excersises are physical, cardio and mental.

To increase your mind power you need to begin by eating more healthy foods and if needed, take nutritional supplements such as - Vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, folic acid, selenium and alpha-lopoic acid, these are all associated with improved memory function. Fish, green,  vegetables, nuts (Almonds are believed to improve memory) lean meat and olive oil are all considered to be excellent foods to stimulate brain.

Ginkgo Biloba, a herbal supplement increases blood flow to the brain, another supplement, St. John's Wort  has also been shown to assist with increasing mind power by creating a positive mood; apple juice is renowned for its ability to produce the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which results in increased memory. It has been suggested to avoid foods high in starch i.e. pasta, rice, and white bread as they can deplete B-complexVitamins.

Restful sleep, at least 5 hours a night, meditation, yoga or just taking time out to relax, these are all excellent therapies for your mind. Fatigue or stress will deplete much of your brains energy, which in turn will affect your brain function and memory. Try taking advantage of  'power naps' these are believed to improve mind power, 'power naps' are short 10 minute naps during the middle of the day.

Things like creative writing, crossword puzzles and speed reading will keep your brain stimulated,  increasing your brains sharpness and agility, just like muscular excersise, your brain requires exercise to function at its best and just like your body the brain needs a period of rest so that it can proccess and digest new information more easily and arrange it in the correct area allowing for easier access when the information is needed to be recalled.

Increasing your mind power doesn't necessarily mean increasing your intelligence; rather it is a way of using your brain and memory more effectively, increasing the speed of access to information and preventing the loss of brain or mind function. Keeping your mind and brain fit and healthy is just as important as it is for the rest of your body and it is never too late to start.

(Ray Ronson)

For more information on Motivation to Increase Mind Power and hypnotherapy in the South Wales UK area  visit: www.hypnotist.uk.com

For training in Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic techniques visit: www.elestialtraining.co.uk

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Using Positive Affirmations

Using Positive Affirmations

It has been proven that using positive affirmations will dramatically improve your lifes outcomes, this is well supported by medical and scientific evidence. Whichever part of your life you choose to improve, health, career, bad habits,  a positive attitude is a major factor in achieving success.

'Positive Thinking' techniques are one of the most popular and widely known because they are simple to use and are effective.  Any self-help or success strategy will use these tecniques to achieve the desired outcome.

A large percentage of all the thoughts you have daily are negative. These negative thoughts damage your ability to succeed and can eventually affect your health. Using positive affirmations is an excellent way to combat this negativity and gain control of your thinking.

Positive affirmations are short positive statements that you repeat to yourself on a  regular basis or you can leave them around written on post-its where they will be easily seen.  To create them they must be positive, in the present tense and state something that is wanted. The secret is to keep them brief as this makes it easier for them to be remembered and repeated.

Positive affirmations will challenge your negative thoughts and beliefs. Used correctly these affirmations will curb the flow of negative thoughts and the words that give them power over you.   Using affirmations is more than just repeating words over and over. It is a process of becoming aware of your thoughts and words in your day to day life. The more you can consciously include the positive intent of your affirmations into your daily thoughts and words, the quicker they wil take effect and work for you.

By developing small but positive changes in your mindset you can gain an enormous impact on your success.  Simply put, if you can steer your thinking onto a positive path , the benefits will follow naturally. A positive attitude is very important when it comes to your health and emotional wellbeing because many illnesses and ailments have been associated with negative beliefs and emotions.

Virtually every aspect of your life can be linked to your own beliefs and behaviors. The choices you make and the behaviors you have today will be the things that determine your future tomorrow. If you desire your future to be better than your past you need to change the thoughts that created that past and change them for ones that will bring you the future you want. Positive affirmations and positive thinking techniques are one of the best ways to achieve this.

(Ray Ronson)

For more information on using Positive Affirmations or Hypnotherapy in the South Wales UK area visit: http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/  For training in Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic Techniques Visit:  http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/ 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Hypnosis and Pain Relief

Researchers at a Boston medical centre in 2000 found that hypnosis was able to reduce both surgical pain, time and improve safety.  During a trial of 241 patients the ones that used self hypnotic relaxation techniques generally needed less pain medication and left the operating theatre quicker.

These studies supported what many hypnotists have long maintained - that one of the most important benefits of hypnosis is in the control and management of pain.  Hospitals around the world are now beginning to use hypnosis to reduce pain and discomfort from surgery and other medical applications.  During the nineteenth century pioneering doctors such as James Esdaile and James Braid had used hypnosis to carry out major surgical operations.  However, the discovery of chemical anesthesia made surgical applications of hypnosis redundant and the techniques remained unused for years.

We all suffer pain in our lives at times.  When our body has a painful experience, this message travels through our nervous system to our brain, causing us to feel pain.  pain has a useful purpose, it tells us something is wrong. 

Anyone who lives with constant or recurring pain knows how uncomfortable this can be.  They may use drugs to manage the pain, which at times are effective but they can be expensive and may have some side effects. The advantage of using hypnosis to manage pain is that it has no side effects.  Pain relief through hypnosis has been used successfully especially in the case of burns.

In the treatment of pain, one technique is for the hypnotist to suggest directly to the patient's subconscious mind that the pain is getting less, melting away and ultimately disappearing.  This technique induces "analgesia" - this is when the body experiences sensations but not pain.  Another technique is where the patient dissociates from the pain.  The hypnotist asks the patient to imagine the pain as a seperate shape, object or colour and then visualise either of these gradually disappearing, perhaps by shrinking in size or floating away in a balloon.

When treating pain such as migraine headaches, a therapist may use hypnosis to eliminate the pain and then instruct the patient in self hypnosis so they can then deal with the discomfort if and when the migraine attacks reoccur.  It should be always remembered that pain is a signal that something may be wrong, so patients should always seek medical advice to treat the cause of pain as well as using hypnosis to manage it.

During deep hypnosis, it is possible for patients to experience anesthesia, this is were they feel no sensations at all.  During this state it is possible for them to undergo major surgery without experiencing any pain.  This can be extremly useful during dental work where patients are unwilling to have injections or chemicals when undergoing treatment.  The advantages of hypnosis is that there are no side effects (such as a numb mouth) or risks from general anesthetic.

Hypnosis can be used to rid a person's fear of visiting the dentist in the first place, this is a common phobia among many adults.  It can also used in reducing a patients bleeding during dental treatment such as the removal of a tooth.  research reveals that if it suggested to the subconscious mind that the patient will bleed less during treatment, then this is precisely what happens.

 Andy Bryant, a british man, in 1994 demonstrated the potential of hypnosis for pain control when he underwent a vasectomy operation without anesthesia.  Prior to the surgery, he put himself into a hypnotic trance and said he felt "great" after the four minute operation in London, Uk.

Explaining afterwards Andy said "you can feel the sensation of the knife cutting, but you switch the pain off."  he said he had known what to expect, as he previously had an operation on his toes some time earlier while under hypnosis.  Although on this occasion Andy brought along his own hypnotist, he had hypnotised himself ten minutes before the operation took place.

In the nineteenth century, a patient of James Esdaile had a tumor weighing more than one hundred pounds removed from his body while hypnotised - without feeling anything.

(Ray Ronson)

For more information on hypnotic pain control or hypnotherapy in the South Wales, UK area visit: http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/     For training in Hypnotherapy/hypnoanalysis or hypnotic techniques visit: http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement

Hypnosis for Self-Improvement.

Mention the word hypnosis to most people, especially the practice of it and their comments or beliefs about it will mostly be erroneous. So lets take a closer look at hypnosis. There are many positive things that can be achieved through the medium of hypnosis especially in the field of self-improvement.

If the practice of hypnosis interests you and you are considering its use to improve the quality in your life, read on for some ideas that may encourage you in where and how to use hypnosis.

Hypnosis can be used in treating fears, phobias and anxiety. When you have learned the method of hypnosis, you can use this skill in helping yourself to overcome your anxiety, especially those issues that are rooted deep in your subconscious mind because a lot of fears and phobias are difficult to treat working with just the conscious mind alone. So getting yourself into hypnosis where you can experience deep relaxation you can give your subconscious mind positive suggestions regarding your problem, this can be one of the effective uses of hypnosis. Phobias and anxiety can often become a hindrance to many people in their lives so learning hypnosis and how they can use it to help them eliminate these problems may just be an ideal solution for them.

Hypnosis can also be used in treating addictions and bad habits that seem to be difficult to control. These bad habits and addictions can be hard to break and difficult to deal with but seeking help from the subconscious mind through hypnosis can actually free you from the grip of these life problems.

 In the field of medicine hypnotherapy has now become a recognised treatment and its use has become a complementary treatment to medical proceedures and has been proven to assist in a fast and effective healing proccess.

Hypnosis can also be learned to help you eliminate other problems such as over eating or nail biting, problems that you believe are beyond your control.
Apart from these two common problems where hypnosis can be used, you can also learn hypnosis to help you increase motivation in your life especially when it comes to achieving goals and objectives. If you are trying to lose weight but your efforts are defeating you then you may find hypnosis an excellent technique to help you with these issues.

Another use of hypnosis is in business, utilizing hypnosis your persuasion skills can be drastically enhanced which of course is important in making sales and to expand your business.  A business will not be successful without promotion.  Advertising and marketing are an essential part of running a business so if you complement this with good persuasion skills that have been enhanced through hypnosis, you will be well on your way to managing a successful business as well.

It is important to think and consider that hypnosis should be used to make positive changes in yourself and the lives of others and not something to be used to gain an advantage over others.

(Ray Ronson)

For hypnotherapy in the South Wales Uk area visit http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/
For training in Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic Techniques visit http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/

Monday, April 30, 2012

Releasing Anger Using Hypnosis

Releasing Anger Using Hypnosis

As a human being you experience two emotions that can control who you are and what you choose to do.  These emotions are love and fear.

Anger is the manifestation of fear.  It has been described by some as if there is a demon inside them that is raging to surface and dominate.  In reality they know who they are but deep down within lying dormant is a dark evil force just waiting to erupt.  Where does this "force" come from? There can be several reasons.  One of the most common is worthiness. Without the feeling of worth they live their life through a combination of scarcity and fear.  When fear grips us, we subconsciously seek safety no matter how we get it. This safety for some is achieved through venting anger.  When you learn to trust yourself, the anger disappears.

Anger can serve a purpose for some. Anger can keep people at bay, and transfer the fear onto others. It can also produce a sense of control which of course is an illusion. Venting anger is an attempt to not appear vulnerable, because to the ego vulnerability equals weakness. If a person believes they are weak they believe this perceived weakness makes them lose control. When we learn to trust ourselves we have no need for anger, as then it serves no purpose.

Until our perception of situations that cause the anger change, it will remain eating away at us until physical illnesses manifest.  These illnesses work from the inside out so our body will slowly begin to shut down in one form or another.  Because these illnesses begin as stress and stress is 95% of our health related issues, we will not physically see anything wrong.

But working behind the scenes in your body is an acid travelling around in your veins infecting every cell you have. It's not noticed, when it is noticed it's too late. Not like a physical injury where we see it and immediately tend to it. Anger poisons our emotions and rots our soul. It spreads like an infection and needs to be healed before any permanent damage is done.

By using hypnosis, anger can be dealt with by exploring the subconscious mind, where it started.  The hypnotherapist may use a technique called hypno-analysis to get to the root cause and once and for all resolve the issues causing the anger. What you think you may be angry about isn't usually the real reason. External circumstances bringing out the anger within you, but the root cause is buried in your subconscious. By going to the subconscious mind, you can find and disolve the anger forever, enabling you to recapture the feelings and emotions involved in self trust. resulting in you learning to trust yourself again.

We owe it to ourselves and those around us to deal with our anger and one of the easiest ways is  Hypnosis. It is non invasive and conducted in a relaxed environment, you will learn coping and relaxation strategies that can be used anytime and anywhere, bringing you relief every day of your life.

(Ray Ronson)

Ray is a practising Hypnotherapist in the South Wales Uk area and works with anger issues,  Please visit http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/   For training in hypnotherapy/hypnoanalysis and hypnotic techniques please visit http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lose Weight With Hypnotherapy

Are you considering using hypnotherapy to lose weight? Many great things have been said about weight loss with hypnotherapy, so the question is, does weight loss hypnotherapy really work?

Hypnotherapy is used to change your attitude towards food to a more healthier option.  Many people have used hypnotherapy to quit smoking so its only natural to believe that losing weight with hypnotherapy will work in a similar way.  People have often misunderstood hypnotherapy and believe  that as soon as they have completed their treatment they will immediately start to eat fruit and vegetables instead of sweets , chocolate and crisps.  While this will be the case for some, for many others it may be different.

Hypnotherapy for weight loss was introduced around the same time that people started to use it to quit smoking.  There are proven cases where hypnotherapy was used to help people stop bad habits, so if you are seriously thinking about, and need to lose weight you may want to consider some hypnotherapy treatment.

In recent years hypnotherapy has been used as an effective way to lose weight.  Case studies have included an average women who lost 20 pounds in 4 weeks with almost no effort at all, to the obese women who lost an astounding 80 pounds from just using these hypnotic techniques taught to her during therapy sessions.

Hypnotherapy works by giving the subconscious mind suggestions.  These suggestions can range from making certain foods appear undesirable, to suggesting to your boy's self image that you really are a slim person.
While weight hypnotherapy is an ideal way to lose the pounds, many hypnotherapists don't preach it to be the be all and end all.  Effective weight loss using hypnotherapy is best when taken together with a suitable diet, an ample amount of water to avoid dehydration, regular exercise and rest.

 Although hypnotherapy is an excellent method to use to lose weight, indulging in that extra sweet after every meal isn't going to help.  Fortunately, hypnotherapy can help reinforce that unwanted behavior pattern as well.  infact clients of hypnotherapy have often reported that things "just fall into place".  Their eating patterns have naturally changed into a much healthier option, without all the mental struggling they have encountered in the past.

To start yourself off, contact your local hypnotherapist and request an introductory session about weight loss.  The therapist will tailor the treatment to your needs, diet, and habits. For example, if you've tried other diets but constantly found yourself quitting or failing halfway through, this may be something that the hypnotherapist could address and a solution would be worked on. Another example would be if you're constantly tempted by a specific kind of food, the therapist could tailor your sessions to tackling that habit - In general you can expect permanent weight loss results by about 2 months of once a week visits.

If you find the cost of going to a hypnotherapist in person is too expensive, weight loss by the method of listening to self- hypnosis CDs may be a cost-effective option. These recordings are designed to subconsciously help you lose weight. They can not only be vocal, but also have a hypnotic background designed to put you into trance.

(Ray Ronson)

For more information on Weight Loss Hypnotherapy or other hypnotherapy treatments in the South Wales Uk area visit: http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/  For training in Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic techniques and Inductions visit: http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/

Monday, April 23, 2012

Boost Your Exam Scores With Subconscious Mind Power

Taking exams can be an anxious and difficult time in your life. But by using mind training exercises, you can easily increase your exam scores in a very short space of time. By harnessing your subconscious mind power, your ability to remember any piece of information, no matter how obscure or how difficult it may seem will naturally increase.

Exams seem so incredibly difficult for some because when you take them you are always under a severe time restriction. Restrictions create and increase stress, and stress is the worse possible thing for both learning and recallation of learned knowledge. The thing to do is to eliminate the stress, so the information you need to know is easily recalled.

This can be easily achieved by using simple, mind training exercises. The reason stress is felt is because you are consciously aware of the time restrictions of the exam, resulting in you imagining the worst possible outcome, creating even more stress. This builds a never ending loop of frustration with seemingly no escape.

But what if a friend told you that you only had five minutes to make them a cup of coffee?  What about fifteen minutes to wash an item of clothing? Why would these tasks appear to be so simple to you?  Because you know, really and truly know that you are capable of doing these things.

After you have convinced your subconscious mind that remembering information on an exam or a test is as easy as saying A B C, then you will experience a natural flow of information and knowledge into your conscious awareness, resulting in exam or test success.

Think of positive statements that you would use to describe an exam taking "superstar". Then simply state them in the first person, and in the present tense. Here are some examples to get you started:

I have a fantastic memory.  I remember things easily.  I  am always relaxed during exams. I am always the first one to finish my exam. I always score high in my exams. Taking exams is easy and natural for me. Scoring high on exams is easy and natural for me.

Practice these statements until they seem natural to you. When you repeat these affirmations to yourself, try to be as relaxed and as sleepy as possible. In this relaxed, sleepy state which is close to drifting off into a dreamy slumber, your subconscious mind is open and receptive to suggestions. The ideal time to practice this is just before you fall asleep at night. By repeating these statements as you drift off to sleep, your subconscious mind will be powerfully reprogrammed.

It's important to have strong feelings of gratitude and appreciation as you state your affirmations, say them as if they are already true. This may feel quite odd at first, especially if you aren't very good at taking exams right now, but it does get easier with practice. With sufficient consistency, strong emotions and saying these while you are in that sleepy, drowsy state, your exam scores will dramatically improve in a very short amount of time.

(Ray Ronson)

For more information or treatment for Exam Anxiety in the South Wales UK area visit: http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/   For training in Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic Inductions and Techniques (therapeutic or stage) visit: http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/ 

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Relieving Exam Nerves With Hypnotherapy

Searching for Perfection Assures Failure

Using hypnotherapy to relieve exam nerves can have unusual results. For example, 22-year-old David was making himself physically sick with worry over an up coming veterinary examination.

He believed that if he did not succeed in the exam his future would be ruined. He had to succeed, if not he could not enter into a career of his chosen field as a veterinary surgeon.

Experiencing physical symptoms of upset stomach, land headaches caused by lack of sleep, David was harnessing depressing thoughts of failure, both in his exam and his whole life.  Only a top grade would be acceptable.

It is clear that David had set himself up for a drastic failure because people who feel they must reach a state of perfection guarantee themselves disappointment and failure because well hold imperfections.

David had not consciously sought out the therapist to change his attitude to failure. he requested hypnotherapy as a means of support through this difficult time of his up coming exam.

Positive Hypnotic Suggestions

Utilizing imagery and positive suggestions from the hypnotherapist David imagined:

* himself studying positively
* recalling all the necessary information during the exam,
* resulting in gaining a first class honors in veterinary surgery.

With David's co-operation the hypnotherapist reinforced what he already knew about himself: that he was highly intelligent and very capable of succeeding in his field. The session was enjoyable for him and left him feeling calm, relaxed and optimistic.  Days later, David took the exam and failed.

Hypnotherapy Can Help To Change Attitudes

But the good news being is that the hypnotherapy had released him from his catastrophic thinking.

So he didn't pass. He did his best, he felt good about himself, and that is what is most important. So what if he didn't go into veterinary practice  He could find something else as a career, and it felt so good to him be able to accept that it is O.K. not to receive an A.

Some people are not as optimistic as David. They would only be satisfied  if hypnotherapy had helped them to pass the exam they dreaded.  Just like Michael. He had failed his physics exam twice but was determined to pass it. Unlike David, Michael wanted to understand why he had failed.

Uncovering the Cause of Fear Using Hypnoanalysis

The hypnotherapist used a technique called hypnoanalysis. This technique pinpoints the origin of a fear while the client is in hypnosis. The method used with Michael was to just to relax him into hypnosis to bring on feeling the fear. Once Michael indicated that he was re-experiencing the fear the hypnotherapist counts rapidly to three after saying "allow the feeling fear to increase stronger and stronger as I count to three"

The next instruction  following the word "three" - was to "go  to the first time you felt that fear."

Following this instruction Michael recalled an incident when he was eight years old and his teacher had harshly scolded him for for his poor result  in a spelling exam in school. The teacher made fun of Michael in front of his fellow classmates.

Healing Mixed Emotions with Hypnotherapy

During the hypnoanalysis it became perfectly clear that Michael's fear of exams stemmed from  repeated terror during his school days that he could never please his teacher. Even more significant was Michael's reluctance as an adult to out class  his teacher. Below his level of conscious awareness  Michael harboured  anger at his teacher for the humiliation that was  inflicted upon him as a child, this anger was unacknowledged because it aroused more guilt in him that he could handle.

The childhood incidents (which there were many) and the mixed emotions of the adult Michael  (he  as well being angry with his teacher, he admired him as well) were dealt with in hypnotherapy.

The hypnotherapist then turned Michaels  focus on the exams. When asked what grade he wanted to achieve Michael thought and stated that "65% would be a good result."

Imaginative Use of Hypnosis for Success

"All this is in your imagination, Michael, " the hypnotherapist said, "so why wouldn't you go for 80% or even 90%?

Michael aimed for 95%. The hypnotherapist relaxed Michael into hypnosis then made positive suggestions that he would achieve this result, some of the suggestion being:

* understanding what he was studying,
* absorb the information, and
* be able to easily recall it.

The hypnotherapist in addition encouraged Michael to imagine himself receiving his physics degree, working in a prestigious laboratory and  being successful in his chosen field.

The secret to success in using hypnotherapy to relieve nerves about taking exams is to be relaxed both while preparing for and actually taking the exam.
One of the ways to be relaxed that Michael learned from the hypnotherapist, is to be unconcerned about the outcome. This paradox served Michael's needs well as he went on to achieve 98% pass.

He enjoyed the hypnotherapy sessions and learned how to utilise hypnotherapy to relieve his exam nerves.

(Article by Ray Ronson)

For more information regarding Exam Anxiety/Nerves or Hypnotherapy in the South Wales UK area visit: http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/  For training in Hypnotherapy, Hypnoanalysis and Hypnotic Techniques visit: http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/

Friday, April 20, 2012

Using Hypnosis To Eliminate Pain

Many people suffer chronic pain, pain is part of the human condition and even if it is not on-going everyone has headaches, dental procedures, and other forms of pain. The good news is you don't have to always rely on drugs to deal with the pain. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been used far back into antiquity to control pain.
Everyone Needs Pain Control At Some Time In Their Lives
75% to 80% of all adults, at some point, will have lower back pain from strains or other injuries. Millions more suffer from arthritic pain, and still more millions have chronic headache. Not to mention those who suffer pain involved in surgery and still others who suffer the pain of debilitating or terminal illness.
This pain will be either of short duration such as recovering from a surgical procedure or a broken bone or longer term chronic pain such as pain associated with cancer. Most people deal with the pain using drugs and doctors are very willing to write prescriptions for pain killers. This is at best a temporary solution, using pain killers in any other way can lead to addiction and dependence. The sad part is very few people understand that there is a drug free alternative, hypnosis.
How Effective Is Hypnosis In Dealing With Pain?
Hypnosis has been used to treat all of the forms of pain mentioned above. In Studies, even patients with severe pain as with advanced stages of cancer require fewer pain killers to control the pain. This allows them to have greater comfort and none of the anxiety of the drugs. Less severe pain can often be completely controlled by hypnosis.
Hypnosis also helps in an area that you wouldn't think about. It reduces the nausea and vomiting in patents undergoing chemotherapy.
With short term pain the best approach seems to be using hypnotic suggestions that focus on anxiety reduction and lowering the importance of pain. In the case of chronic, long term pain, it works best to confront the pain directly. In this case the hypnotist should deal with both the physical and psychological effects of the pain.
Hypnosis is also of great help with patients undergoing surgery. Hypnosis can be used both before and after the operation. In some cases operation have been done with only hypnosis for pain control. When hypnosis is used in an operation it reduces nausea and it increases the speed of recovery. This thereby reduces the length of the hospital stay and therefore lowers the hospital cost. Also there are no side effects of using hypnosis, it does not require increasing dosages that lead to drug dependence, hypnosis retains its pain control ability. With drugs, the pain control might go on for years at an ever mounting cost. Whereas, learning hypnosis is a one time expense and the procedure is learned and can be used at no additional cost to the patient while reducing or completely freeing themselves of pain.
Does hypnosis always work?
Using hypnosis for pain control can help everyone at least some. Depending on the patients susceptibility to hypnosis and their ability to relax they will achieve greater or lesser results. There will be those who find complete relief from their pain, those with a significant decrease in their pain, those which will get an initial reduction but need to have the treatment reinforced, those with intermittent relief, and finally those who still experience pain but have only a 10 to 30% reduction.
Hypnosis is a second to none pain control method, however no method, hypnosis or drug, is effective all the time. Yet, hypnosis has proven it's ability to reduce or eliminate all types of pain and it does this magic without side effects.
Mike Griffin is a hypnosis expert. For more information on controlling pain check out Scripts for Self-Hypnosis, visit http://www.howtohypnotizeyourself.net/.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin
For training in hypnotherapy and hypnotic techniques visit: http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/  For hypnotherapy in the South Wales UK area visit: http://www.hypnotist.co.uk/

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Common Symptoms of Stress That You May Be Experiencing

More often than not, stress has a way of creeping up on people and they don't even realise it's there untill it's vert severe. The main problem to overcome with stress is the diversity of both the symptoms and reactions of people with those symptoms. Learning to recognise the symptoms sooner will lead to getting effective treatment even faster. keep reading to learn about common symptoms of stress so you can identify them.

If you let stress have an impact on your eating habits, it can cause you to either lose or gain weight. If you feel too tense to eat, you may be skipping meals, and this isn't a good way to lose weight, as you could be missing out on necessary nutrients. Some people also develop eating disorders that are stress - related, and these can also cause an unnatural reduction in weight. Eating the wrong types of food can cause you to gain weight, just as easy as overeating. Emotional eating is one of the symptoms of stress and it can be dangerous. Doing this on a regular basis is a leading cause of obesity and makes it difficult to cut back those calories. By managing your stress you should be able to take steps to manage your eating habits. Unfortunately, you are not the only one suffering fr4om the effects of your uncontrolled stress because your family and friends are also affected especially in your personal and professional dealings with them. Your temper can also be intolerant of others so much so that being rude has now become a part of your daily life. Stress adversely impacts on the way we react to situations like big arguments over small matters, road rage over trivial traffic infractions and extreme frustration over irrelevent issues. Your personal and professional relationships suffer to the point of irreparability, which enphasizes the necessity to find ways to control your stress to manageable levels.

Stress can make you think you are having other serious medical conditions when you're really not. Some symptoms of stress such as difficulty in breathing, lightheadedness and chest pains are indicative of a panic attack brought on by stress. of course, if you or someone around you has symptoms like this, it's important to have it checked out medically to rule out a physical cause. There are several treatments available for stress related heart attack symptoms so you will need to seek out medical help if you are having any of these symptoms. If you know you suffer from panic attacks or other symptoms such as those above you can with the help of your physician learn to manage your stress and keep these symptoms to a minimum.

The symptoms of stress are never pleasant. Positive changes can happen if you are more aware of the things in your life that cause you stress. Stress can make life bad in many ways, but finding ways to prevent it will help you improve the quality of life.


For more information on stress management and treatment in the South Wales UK area visit: www.hypnotist.uk.com for training in Hypnotherapy/Hypnoanalysis/Hypnotic Techniques visit: www.elestialtraining.co.uk Comedy Stage Hypnotist for your function or event visit: www.stagehypnotist.uk.com

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Cure Insomnia By Relaxation

Insomnia cures by relaxation have been popular since before man invented fire. We can trace them back, certainly in the case of China, for many thousands of years. It has only been in the last few years that we have been able to confirm the efficiency or otherwise of the Insomnia cure by relaxation..

Insomnia itself is a pernicious affliction bringing with it misery and despondancy. Many sufferers of Insomnia and other sleep disorders lay there night after night staring into the dark checking the alarm clock every five minutes and worrying about the effects of the sleep loss on their performance during the coming day. Getting more and more tense and finding relaxation ever more difficult.

How can we use relaxation to help to cure Insomnia? One of the first stops for the sufferer looking to cure Insomnia by relaxation or any other way is the doctors surgery. This is an excellent idea as a physical check-up will reveal wether or not there is a physical reason for the Insomnia or just the need to relax. The drawback is that if the doctor finds no physical reason for the insomnia he is likely to reach for his prescription pad.

The drawbacks here are well known. Unbeliveably simply to cure Insomnia you could also suffer addiction, morning headaches, daytime fatigue, personality changes, memory impairment, impaired concentration, poor judgment, mood disturbances, and in extreme cases irregular heartbeat, and high blood pressure. The list goes on and on. A safer Insomnia cure may well lie in the direction of learning relaxation, a more natural rememdy. This is the reason why drug companies can afford large scale advertising such as TV ads and big internet ad campaigns. They know if they can get a hold of you once, they will trap you and continue to make money off you for years to come. Their mission is to program you. Whenever you have sleep problems, they want you to think about their products.

Used to cure Insomnia and many other ailments for thousands of years relaxation techniques are becoming more and more popular with main stream health care professionals to cure Insomnia. As a cure for Insomnia you need to practice relaxation regulary, notice the experience of the sounds of the simple things in life.

Look into what causes your need for relaxation. When you discover the ways to treat stress, you can look for ways to relax and avoid these stress creators.

Plan to cure your insomnia - You need to consider the timing of your relaxation. It should be daily. Perhaps a weekend is better suited to a night out so that you don't have to wake early the next morning for work or during the night for the bathroom.

Try relaxing music. Keep your favorite relaxation CD at the office, in the car, or wherever you'll need it most. certainly by the bedside.

Walk a while. if you have at least ten minutes to spare, walking is one of the best relaxation techniques. Pounding the streets or woodland paths is an excellent way of getting rid of frustrations, relaxing, and ultimately, when gently tired you can think much more productively.

Exercise - Find a form of exercise you will enjoy - yoga and tai chi are great for relaxation. Schedule in relaxation time every day - This could be for as little as 30 minutes a day or one hour away from the office during lunch time.

Get into yoga. This type of exercise puts an emphasis on relaxation and breath control and could have been designed to cure Insomnia by relaxation. Practice this at least twice a day, perhaps on waking and when you go to bed. This will train your unconscious mind to be able to quickly take you into abdominal breathing and hence relaxation.

A massage is also a great way to relieve stress from the body and ease Insomnia. Its great fun and as long as its not your partner doing it :-) Its very conductive to relaxation.

Phillip Jubb.

For more information on relaxation techniques for Insomnia in the South Wales UK area visit: www.hypnotist.uk.com For information on Hypnotherapy Training/Hypnotic Techniques visit: www.elestialtraining.co.uk Comedy Hypnosis for your event visit: www.stagehypnotist.uk.com

Monday, April 16, 2012

10 Steps to overcome the fear of change

Step One: Envision what you want

Making changes in our lives tends to stop us in our tracks, we worry what will happen if we make a mistake or do the wrong thing. This can be the result of not having a clear vision of the desired state. be clear about what you want (this is true in most aspects of your life) and then you will be able to see how this change will get you closer to your goals.

Step two: Take a trip

Do you rememberhow exciting it was as a child to take a trip somewhere during school time? You took your lunch, maybe took a ride on a bus or a train and actually left your school during the day to go somewhere new? Before making a big change in your life, take a trip, you could take a day off and visit the place you may be going to live or work and spend some time imagining your new life. This trip will get you excited about positive change in your life.

Step Three: Talk to others who care

Make a point in talking to others who care about you and would be interested in this change for you. The more you talk to others in your support network, the more commited you will become towards your plans.

Step Four: Build new networks

Build new networks to support this change. If you are moving to a new line of work or perhaps a new area to live, start to build new connections. This will give you a foundation, structure and sense of place in your new home.

Step Five: Move towards pleasure in your life

Much of the fear of change comes from living a secure life of avoidence. That is a life of staying clear of risks and essentially hiding under the rock most of your life. With a strategy moving towards pleasure, you start to take more calculated risks. Be more proactive and you will start to move towards what you want vs. avoiding what you do not want in your life.

Step Six: Look at your life as a series of steps

Rarely does major change occur as a result of one big change. To move towards more of what you want in your life, it takes small steps. Whether you are seeking a new relationship, a new line of work or a new area to live, make small steps first.

Step Seven: Make many small changes with the big change

Changing relationships? Buy some new clothes! Changing work? get a new desk or planner! Changing where you live? Start shopping at a new store. Small changes help to lay a foundation for bigger change.

Step Eight: Change, especially after 40. It is time!

Change can start to break old patterns of living and thinking. As a result new oportunities emerge for growth and happiness. Change after 40 can be challenging. Think about change in mid-life as mandatory for good health.

Step Nine: Look back and forward

Think back to when you made major changes in your life. You will discover in most cases they all lead to positive outcomes. Trust your intuition. Look forward to the result of new changes. Imagine all the new possibilities!

Step Ten: Celebrate!

No one is going to through a party for you after you make a major change in your life. In fact you may lose a few friends who don't agree with your change. The best way to reinforce every small change in your life is to celebrate yourself! Plan in advance a trip or small party right after the change. This will serve as an anchor for the future that you can overcome the fear of change.

No reason to FEAR

There is noreason to ANY longer be afraid of change after 40. It is healthy, necessary and MANDATORY for recreating a second half of life which works better for you.

Harneet kaur

For more information on Habit Modification, Motivation and Change contact Ray through any of the links below

Ray Roberts is a renowned trainer in hypnotherapy and hypnotic techniques visit http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/ he is also a stage hypnotist working under the professional name of Ray Ronson, visit http://www.stagehypnotist.uk.com/ and has a private hypnotherapy practice in the south wales area "Capital Hypnotherapy" visit http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Increase Your Willpower To Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy

Can Hypnotherapy increase your willpower to stop smoking?

So what is "Quit Smoking hypnotherapy"?

As a smoker you have probably been alerted time and time again by family members, members of the medical profession and even complete strangers about the dangers smoking. Heart disease, emphysema, lung cancer and even gangarene are just some of the health problems associated with long term smoking. So if you are determined to quit smoking and don't have or cant find the willpower then you should seriously consider a "Quit Smoking hypnotherapy" treatment to help you achieve your goal in quitting smoking. In "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" you are able to convince and manipulate your own subconscious mind into helping you break your psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes or tobacco products, so the sooner you quit smoking, the sooner your health issues will be reduced.

So How Does "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" Work?

"Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" treatments or programs are conducted by trained hypno-therapists and provide your subconscious mind with powerfull anti-smoking suggestions, to replace the triggers that compell you to smoke, such as driving, speaking on the telephone, or after a meal, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects and benefits of quitting smoking. "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" gives your own willpower an internal support system, this works works by undermining your need to smoke by curbing your cravings and increasing your confidence in your ability to quit. "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" programs may also be undertaken in the privacy of your own home via the use of a CD recording or using other audio technology. using hypnotherapy to cure yourself of the smoking habit may have varying results because it depends on your susceptibility to enter hypnosis. However many people believe and claim the "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" allowed them to quit smoking having virtually no withdrawel symptoms or cravings.

Advantages of "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy"

There are many advantages of a "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" program. While there are numerous products on the market to help you quit smoking, these include nicotine patches and gums, a "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" program has some unique benefits. These benefits include:

A decrease in your health risks if the program is successful

There are no drugs involved

"Quit Smoking" programs or treatments are completed quickly and there are no long term costs involved

The therapy focuses on the positive, your mind is trained to resist something you once believed you enjoyed to being happy about eliminating a habit that is harming you and destroying your body

Therapy is tailored to your individual needs and addresses your own smoking triggers and habits

Finding a "Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy" Program

Many quit smoking hypnotherapists advertise on the internet or can be found in the telephone directory. You can search the internet and choose a therapist close to your location. Finding the right therapist to help you quit smoking will be down to your own personel preference. Help to stop you quit can be found here at http://www.hypnotist.uk.com/ go here now to help you quit smoking.

Some people may find meeting with a therapist face to face uncomfortable or cannot locate a therapist in their locality, they may find using commercially produced CD recordings a better option for themselves, these recordings are widly available on the internet.

Whatever course of action you choose, you should feel happy with your decision to quit smoking and remember you CAN quit smoking.....FOREVER!

About The Author

Ray Ronson is a renowned trainer in hypnotherapy and hypnotic techniques. Visit http://www.elestialtraining.co.uk/ he is also a well repected stage hypnotist and works under the professional name of Ray Ronson. visit http://www.stagehypnotist.uk.com/ and has a private hypnotherapy practice working in the South Wales, UK area. Visit www.hypnotist.uk.com

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hypnotherapy: Can It Be Used To Treat Alcoholism?

Hypnotherapy was first discovered in the ancient times by the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians as a healing art. Until today, it has evolved over the generations and has been used to treat a variety of illnesses, even alcoholism. It has been proven to be safe and effective and has been adopted by many healthcare practitioners as an alternative therapy. But till what extent is hypnotherapy effective in treating alcoholism? Let's find out. As we all know, the therapeutic effect of hypnotherapy ranges from its hypnosis effects and relaxation abilities. It can help anxious and tensed people relax by putting them in a relaxed state of mind. The habit of alcohol drinking is something that has been incorporated into the minds by people who drink chronically due to their social upbringing. A variety of sources contribute to this habit such as the role of media and advertising, peer influence, and work related stress. Unfortunately, many believe that hypnotherapy does not work directly on the causes, but instead help reduce the symptoms of alcohol cravings which lead to binge drinking. For example, we binge on alcohol because we want a form of escapism from the stress and frustrations of work/our boss/our spouses. The role of hypnotherapy is more to relaxing the mind of the subject rather than brainwashing the subject into being stress free. We are also aware that many of the "triggers" of alcohol cravings and hence binging cannot be avoided. Therefore, hypnotherapy has a big role to play in this area. It can treat the symptoms of alcoholism such as alcohol withdrawal syndrome and relax the subject. Hypnotherapy coupled with counselling and the introduction of empowering thoughts and ideas can create a profound breakthrough in patients suffering from alcoholism. In conclusion, a good hypnotherapy regimen coupled with adequate counselling can help alcohol addicts treat symptoms of withdrawal and prevent alcohol cravings. Counsellors and practitioners have an important role to play in helping patients set realistic goals and help them to achieve them.

About The Author

Khaiyong is an ex-alcohol addict, life coach and CEO of StopDrinkingForever.com - A website dedicated to helping others clear themselves of alcohol addiction. At his website, you will find useful information, tips and strategies to help you free yourself from alcohol addiction. Find out how to stop drinking alcohol excessively today!

The author invites you

Friday, April 13, 2012

Have you heard of gastric band surgery? Many try it as a good way to lose weight and it does work to be sure but did you know that it is an expensive technique and one that is prone to complications like getting a slipped band, acid reflux, constipation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and many others? You have to ask yourself is the risk and expense really worth it?
What if you found a way to have all of the benefits without the risk and expense of the surgery? Believe it or not there is a technique in hypnosis that provides this. Gastric band hypnosis is a new technique in hypnosis where you receive suggestions that you have had the procedure and amazingly you will begin to act and live as if it were true. This is one of the many ways that you can lose weight with hypnotherapy.
Because of modern life and the ability to have any kind of food anytime you want most people carry extra fat. Two types of fat are prominent in your abdominal area. The first kind covers your abdominal muscles and if you lose it your muscles will be visible and you will get that ripped look. It is called subcutaneous fat and is stored directly under the skin and over your abs. The second kind of abdominal fat is called visceral fat.
Visceral fat goes deep into your abdomen under your muscles and in fact it surrounds your organs. This makes it particularly dangerous and while both increase your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and heart disease visceral fat puts you at a much greater risk. This type of fat is responsible for what is known as a "beer belly." Visceral fat also releases more inflammatory molecules into your body all of the time.
It took a lot of extra calories consumed over a long time to get this fat build up so you cannot expect it to come off easily and this is why some people take the extraordinary measure of gastric band surgery to put part of their stomach out of commission.
This is an extreme measure as we have seen, but now Gastric Band Hypnosis can produce the same results without the surgery part. With Gastric Band Hypnotherapy a hypnotist will induce a trance and give you suggestions that will cause you to believe and act as if you have actually had the procedure. This is a safe and effective way to lose weight with hypnotherapy.
Don't let abdominal fat destroy your confidence and ruin your health. Learn more about Gastric Band Hypnosis, just click the link or visit: http://www.howtohypnotizeyourself.net.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_Griffin
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6961667

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Phobias can make our lives a misery. To the outsider these fears appear - and indeed are - utterly illogical and irrational. To the person with the phobia however, the fear is all to real. There are many, many different phobias; infact, a person can have a phobia about almost anything. Common ones include fear of flying, fear of rodents, fear of heights, fear of insects, fear of open spaces, and fear of confined spaces. Others include a fear of crossing the road, oceans, computers, cats, dogs, snakes - the list goes on and on. very often the phobia is obscure enough that we don't have to worry too much about it. For example, if you have a morbid fear of mountains but spend your life on the coast, this phobia is unlikely to cause you many problems. similarly, having an irrational fear of cows is not going to be a big handicap to your life if you live in the city of london. But very often phobias such as fear of flying, fear of elevators, and fear of open spaces, can be major obstacles to living a normal life. In most cases, hypnosis is a very effective tool for removing these irrational fears, and more and more people are turning to the treatment for help.

The object of the fear

One technique used by hypnotherapists is to get clients to come to terms, step by step, with the object of their fear. During a trance, clients will be asked to imagine or visualize the object of their fear at a safe distance. For example, someone with a cat phobia might be asked to imagine a cat on the other side of town, far enough away so they can visualize it without distress. Gradually, and over a few sessions, the client would visualize the cat closer and closer to them, without it causing them any distress. Hypnotic suggestions would reassure them that they had no problem with cats, that the cat was no threat to them, in fact that they were fond of cats. Eventually, the client would visualize themself close to the animal, touching it, and feeling no anxiety. The phobia would be defeated.

Another approach is to take the client back, through regression, to the time when the phobia first developed. Sometimes, though not invariably, a phobia was caused by a trigger event from earlier in our lives, which we may have forgotten. We may have been bitten by a dog or been shut up in a closet by older siblings. During a trance the hypnotist will take the client back before to before this trigger event and make them aware of what it felt like before they had the phobia. The hypnotist will then use this feeling to replace the clients phobia with a more positive frame of mind. Just being consciously aware of the trigger event can sometimes be enough to remove the phobia.

Hypnotists do have to be careful how they tackle phobias. For example, someone with with a phobia about snakes does not want to have all inhibitions about them removed to the extent that that they would cheerfully pick up a rattlesnake. This is why therapists take care to listen to clients. A client will not perhaps want to enjoy the company of poisonous snakes but want simply not to have an unreasonablr fear about them.

Similarly hypnosis can be used to help treat a variety of disorders, including panic disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, and post - traumatic stress disorder.

The Case of the Gerbil phobia

The hypnosis method for dealing with phobias does not always have to be gradual. In one case a young women went to a hypnotist worried because she had been asked to look after a young relative's pet gerbil during a holiday break. The problem was, the women had a morbid fear of gerbils and other rodents. Even worse, the holiday began the next day, so there was no time for a lengthy series of sessions. Undeterred, the hypnotist put his client into a trance and suggested to her unconscious that she actually quite liked gerbils, and moreover she was even looking forward to caring for her relative's pet. her mind seems to have been successfully programmed - the gerbilsitting continued for many years to come. This case illustrates how successful hypnosis can be in dealing with phobias.

Fear of Vegetables

One therapist had a 30 year old client who suffered from lachanophobia - fear of vegetables. Not only could she not eat vegetables, but she was upset because she could not even prepare them for her children. the very smell of vegetables brought on a panic attack. Under hypnosis, she spontaneously recalled that, when she was about six, her mother was giving all her attention to her new baby; she apparently fought her mother on the issue of eating vegetables in order to regain her mothers attention. Part of her felt that if she ate vegetables without a fuss, she would lose her mother's love. With the use of suggestion, the therapist was able to get her first to buy carrots, then to eat them. Eventually, the therapy created a normal approach to vegetables.

("Hypnosis Secrets of the mind" by Micheal Streeter. Published by Barron's)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Power of Now

The beginning of freedom is the the realization that you are not "the thinker."

The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.

You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence.

You also realize that all the things that truly matter - beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace - arise from beyond the mind.

You begin to awaken.

("Practising The Power of Now" Eckhart Tolle)